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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Natural Vision Improvement

Did you know that you do not have to wear glasses if you have poor vision?
Just a couple of years ago I didn’t as well and was wearing glasses and contact lenses for 33 years. But after I found out about Natural Vision Improvement I said NO to glasses and started the efforts to improve my eyesight naturally.

What did I achieve, you would ask. Well, after a year I did an eye test for driving at my driving authorities and I passed. They removed my condition for aided vision from driving license and I am not required by law to wear glasses meaning I have good enough vision for driving.

Why did nobody tell me before?
Well, I have heard on a few occasions before throughout my life about natural vision improvement (I like to use the NVI abbreviation for this term), but have totally ignored it. You know how the world mostly is, the knowledge about any natural healing is limited, it is being ignored and mostly respected are highly educated professionals, among them optometrists, and I would rather be shoulder to shoulder with them and follow what they recommend and all is scientifically rpoved. But, also nowhere near me was there anyone with knowledge or experience in NVI, so it’s normal I had been “happily ” wearing my glasses and feeling very cool about it.

I saw a show on TV and it was very interesting, people were talking about their experiences of successfully fixing their sight naturally but I said I’ll think about this later.
Then, one day I occasionally asked my optometrist about natural vision improvement, as I also now had my son 4yo diagnosed to wear glasses and she wrote a name on a piece of paper: “Dr. Bates”. She said he was also Dr. Ophthalmologist, who lived 100 years ago, who thru his practice found out how to help people in natural way. She said I can try to do a research myself if I am interested. The most important thing is that she new and she is not hiding it!
I didn’t do the research straight away, being myself also skeptical, but a few months later. Then, it started rolling. I can’t explain enough my feelings in that first period. I was a stunned, overwhelmed. I was very eager to find out more, to try to understand better, to prove practically on my eyes…. Because, it is so simple and IT WORKS.

What is the NVI based on?
All is based on Dr. William Bates’ teaching. He found out that the main reason for poor vision in otherwise healthy eye is strain. And by removing that strain the vision can be improved to normal. Dr. Bates had his practice in New York, at abut 1900 till 1930 and you would assume had troubles with official medicine because of this. But he helped a lot of people and proved his theory correct. He also wrote a book and it is available on line for free.

My goal
I red his book and built my basic knowledge about vision, how it works and how it can be helped naturally from his book. And there are many other books available about natural vision improvement. Since I realized how simple it is and saw it works on my eyes I can’t stop asking myself “Why is noone telling us this?” And I have developed deep feelings about helping people with poor vision. I also know how hard decision was it for me whether to enter this training or not. At the time I somehow started feeling in my heart that what Dr Bates is saying in his book is true. And I know how lonely I was in those days. There was no example around me, no one as a reference. I just had to believe to my intuition. Eventually, whenever I saw someone wearing glasses I would approach and present this natural option. I cannot stop talking about it. And every time I ask myself “This is too much, I am becoming boring” there is a counter feeling that I have “to spread a word”. Especially for children or those with children.
So, simply said I want to tell you that natural vision improvement is real and really works. And is simple and natural. It is learning to use your eyes in natural, effortless way.

Take it this way:
You are born with physically healthy eyes and you have not learned how to use your eyes correctly so you are not getting clear picture about the world around you. Then you find a person with good vision and start analyzing how do they use their eyes so you can copy and improve your vision.
In reality no one knows how exactly their eyes do it. Dr. Bates researched this and presented his discoveries for us to learn and use. I thank him for that and feel the call to help now this theory to live further and fly among humans as a tool and help them live their best lives, because as you will see later (if you do not already know or do your research before I manage to present it here) how we see is in close connection to how we feel and think.

Dr. Bates knewI am very eager to help everyone who is wiling to be helped with my knowledge that I collected in last almost 2 years about vision improvement. I have charts on my walls at home, I learned how to use them. I also love 3D images which use in vision improvement I will explain in more details. And that is very common for people that improved their vision, particularly when the general culture is still trying to hide this from you. Dr Bates also noticed that everyone that improved their vision is teaching his family and friends. Children had thought their parents and siblings… because it’s that simple. And brings multiple benefits.

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