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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Check Your Feelings and Thoughts

Natural Vision Improvemnt is supporting standing that reason for function vision problems is in stress and strain. Strees is condition produced by many negative feelings we have on more permannet basis, so therefore in most cases we are not even aware of it. Eventually, we consider our stressed state as normal and in that case is very hard to release that stress aNatural Vision Improvement is supporting standing that reason for function vision problems is in stress and strain. Stress is condition produced by many negative feelings we have on more permanent basis, so therefore in most cases we are not even aware of it. Eventually, we consider our stressed state as normal and in that case is very hard to release that stress and have our vision improved.

As there is many different emotion behind that stress it is good idea to employ psychology in your vision improvement. On this plan I liked Janet Goodrich's work. Her basic classification is that specific emotion are causing specific vision problem.

 Shortsightedness - fear of future;

 Farsightedness - fear of present and escape in future, also anger;

 Astigmatism - not willing to see some aspects of self, fear;

 Strabismus or crossed eyes - anger.

And it is good to know that behind each emotion is thought. You must be having some thought to be producing fear, for example, - fear of failure, fear of not being good enough, or like this "I wouldn’t be good at this job", I can't make it, I am not good enough.

I am actually having beautiful book in my hands, by Louse Hay, You Can Heal Your Life, - thanks Louise for writing this amazing book - where she actually very clearly explains how thought is behind emotions and then behind your bodily problems or illnesses. She explains that in essence you should start learning to love yourself, to approve yourself, in terms to stop fearing of future, of failure, to stop criticizing your self and belittle yourself. I remember seeing OPRAH also recommending to look yourself in mirror and say "I love you", and many other speakers like her are recommending this method. Because that is the nature of mind or unconsciousness, it believes what you are telling it.

Here is how it works: In your mind you are constantly though to yourself saying to yourself "I never can do this good", "I should have known this" "I should do better" then you are telling to your mind not to do good. And it really happens that you do not perform well, and other criticize you a lot. If, for change, you start approving yourself, I am good at it, I know exactly how to do it, I am creative, I am supported by my colleagues, then work is done better and everyone supports you. Don't believe yet? Well, try catching your deep thoughts and then replacing negative with positive.

Louise is nicely describing vision problems with not willing or fearing to see something as is and is recommending some very useful positive affirmations that you can start telling yourself on daily basis. I noticed for me worked this one "I approve myself". It released my strain instantly and I felt more light around me immediately!


If you think it is hard to believe all this about stress in Natural Vision Improvement it is exactly mostly because you believe what you have been told. They told me I have to wear glasses and there is nothing else I can do, and I was doing exactly that. Even when I was noticing improved vision in periods when being without glasses either if I was frustrated in my teens, or if I had broken glasses. I knew it improves but I also listened that I have to wear glasses. Now, when I started telling myself "I can see well with my own eyes" I am improving vision in natural way and am even learning much more about how vision affects thinking and learning processes, but also health in general. So, mind really believes what you are telling it, and the resulting actions will be mirror of that story, disease or prosperity and wealth.

Love yourself!

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