In the essence of what Dr. Bates believed is reason for functional vision problems (like myopia or nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, etc,) is strain. Therefore, the key in achieving clear vision in natural way is by – RELAXATION. The main activity that Dr. Bates had developed is PALMING. That is holding and relaxing your eye muscles under palms of your hands.
The science behind palming is this: if the eyes are completely covered so no light is entering the optical nerve is not stimulated and complete darkness should be seen, black.
If you have some sparkling – like I do – even when you cover your eyes, that means you have some mental activity that is stimulating optical nerve, producing electrical signals. This now falls into neuroscience area, and those professionals would be more helpgul. But anyway, at plain human level it is easy to understand.
The other aspect of strain as reason for poor vision is that some or all of those 6 external surrounding eye muscles are under some kind of tension, producing the eye to be in unusual shape that cannot bring light into correct cells. These tensions are believed and proved to be reduced by action of PALMING.
find some good sitting position for you. Put your elbows on table or pillow. Cover your eyes by palms of your hands. The fingers usually overlap on your forehead. Make sure there is no light coming thru hands. Eyes are closed behind the palms. You stay in this position 5, 10 or 20 minutes. There is a lot you can do to make this time more pleasurable and desirable, by playing soothing music, or being in the dark. You can also be in laying position with hands over your eyes. Also, try to make the posture as much comfortable as possible.
So, as simple as that PALMING has brought clear vision to thousands of people or at least helped in natural vision improvement.
How is my experience, you might ask. Well, I fall into the 10% dr. Bates has discovered that experience increase of stress while palming. Only 5 minutes is enough, after that the stress increases. What I actually see is like snowing on TV and when I uncover the eyes I see everything very foggy and takes time (a few seconds though) to get clear picture of surroundings.
However, PALMING is helping most of people. Or can give you an idea how much it is important to relax your eyes.
Let’s explain now what strain are we talking about. That is some bad or heavy thought that will make you squint, or tighten your face muscles, around your eyes, pressure on your nose. You have probably noticed when you are angry about something or somebody your jaw is clenching. Or in fear you can’t speak as your voice goes blocked. Or after long hours of computer work the neck and shoulder muscles become very stiff.
Office work at the desk or at the computer is at lot risk to fall into this kind of stress. This is due to long hours of focus into your work, you don’t move, even you can have bad chair or are taking bad position at your desk. It all creates lots of stress on your eyes.
Did you know that eyes are helping into balancing your body, so if your posture is at some angle and eyes are following by distorting, this is known cause for astigmatism.
At the end I will add that knowing energies of the body eye produce or transmit high levels of healing energy. That means hen you are palming there may be some calming and feeding energy coming from the hands and energizing the eyes.
Start PALMING today. The best therapy is do 10 minutes of palming in the morning and in the evening. Especially in the evening before going to sleep it will help you calm down and reduce stress from the day and have better sleep.
And keep us informed how is that going, please do add comments!
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