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Monday, February 27, 2012

A bit of visdom from Dr. Bates...

As for putting glasses on a child, it is enough to make the angels weep

It is as natural for the eye to see as it is for the mind to acquire knowledge, and any effort in either case is not only useless, but defeats the end in view.


This is another quote from his book:

or for download:


"People seem to forget, for themselves and for their children, what it means to put on glasses for the remainder of life. They do not seem even to ask why no other help is possible, and do not seem to care."

- W.B. MacCracken, M.D.


Another Bates teacher, his book can be found here



please feel free to forward this information to everyone you think might benefit of it!


A bit of wisdom from Dr. Bates...SHIFTING OF THE EYE


...The shifting of the eye with normal vision is usually not conspicuous, but by direct examination with the ophthalmoscope it can always be demonstrated. If one eye is examined with this instrument while the other is regarding a small area straight ahead, the eye being examined, which follows the movements of the other, is seen to move in various directions, from side to side, up and down in an orbit which is usually variable. If the vision is normal these movements are extremely rapid and unaccompanied by any appearance of effort. The shifting of the eye with imperfect sight, on the contrary, is slower, its excursions are wider, and the movements are jerky and made with apparent effort...

...The shorter the shift the greater the benefit; but even a very long shift - as much as three feet or more - is a help to those who cannot accomplish a shorter one. When the patient is capable of a short shift, on the contrary, the long shift lowers the vision...

...One of the best methods of improving the sight, is to imitate consciously the unconscious shifting of normal vision and to realize the apparent motion produced by such shifting...                        Perfect sight is impossible without continual shifting, and such shifting is a striking illustration of the mental control necessary for normal vision. It requires perfect mental control to think of thousands of things in a fraction of a second; and each point of fixation has to be thought of separately, because it is impossible to think of two things, or of two parts of one thing, perfectly at the same time. The eye with imperfect sight tries to accomplish the impossible by looking fixedly at one point for an appreciable length of time; that is, by staring. When it looks at a strange letter and does not see it, it keeps on looking at it in an effort to see it better. Such efforts always fail, and are an important factor in the production of imperfect sight...

A bit of wisdom from Dr. Bates...Glasses as sins

With this "funny" quote Dr. Bates starts his book:

A bit of wisdom from Dr. Bates...Vision in Sleep

I am sure you didn't know this:


...During sleep the refractive condition of the eye is rarely, if ever, normal. Persons whose refraction is normal when they are awake will produce myopia, hypermetropia and astigmatism when they are asleep, or, if they have errors of refraction when they are awake, they will be increased during sleep. This is why people waken in the morning with eyes more tired than at any other time, or even with severe headaches...



This is another quote from his book:

or for download:


Thursday, December 29, 2011

Too much reading?

Sometimes people say that too much reading is reason for poor vision. Or in gneral too much close looking activities. I wouldn't agree. Since I started natural vision training and removed my glasses I have learnt to look into my computer without strain. that has enabled me to have more relaxed eye movements on the screen. Later I got 2 screens and had even more chance to make my eyes dancing accross all different objects and information o screen.
For example, I can be comparing two tables of data, let's say excel tables. Or looking into a code and then into a final form design, back and forth, switching windows or looking left=-right into two screens. If you don't relax your movement, if it is stiff of course you will get a headacke.
Or, take some sportist, say ballet dancer, if they are stiff and straining they will end up in poor perforamnce and lots of pain.
The same is with eyes, they need freedom from strain and then they will see everithing for you!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Living in a box

   In addition to discussion about using your eyes, let's ask why is in recent times the need for wearing glasses so much increased? Why is that our grand and grand grand -mums and -dads didn't need so much glasses didn't need so much glasses as we do today.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Use it or lose it

   Take it this way: if you don't use your eyes, then they can't develop, if talking about early years, or they will deteriorate.
   It is the same as with any other part and organ in our body. Look for example in muscles training. If you want to have strong and pumped up muscles then you don't sleep or watch the TV all day long, but you go in gym to exercise the muscles, those you want to develop. If you want to make stronger arm muscles you would lift weights. Meaning you regularly use those muscles, activate them, you repeat these operations, and as the time goes - what happens - they became stronger, nicely formed, etc...

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Check Your Feelings and Thoughts

Natural Vision Improvemnt is supporting standing that reason for function vision problems is in stress and strain. Strees is condition produced by many negative feelings we have on more permannet basis, so therefore in most cases we are not even aware of it. Eventually, we consider our stressed state as normal and in that case is very hard to release that stress aNatural Vision Improvement is supporting standing that reason for function vision problems is in stress and strain. Stress is condition produced by many negative feelings we have on more permanent basis, so therefore in most cases we are not even aware of it. Eventually, we consider our stressed state as normal and in that case is very hard to release that stress and have our vision improved.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Palming – main exercise per Dr. Bates Natural Vision Healing treatment

   In the essence of what Dr. Bates believed is reason for functional vision problems (like myopia or nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, etc,) is strain. Therefore, the key in achieving clear vision in natural way is by – RELAXATION. The main activity that Dr. Bates had developed is PALMING. That is holding and relaxing your eye muscles under palms of your hands.
   The science behind palming is this: if the eyes are completely covered so no light is entering the optical nerve is not stimulated and complete darkness should be seen, black.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

3Cups Accommodation Exercise - Part2

There is a good reason I find this exercise important. And that explains how is it possible that after a set of say 30 or 50 moves I see clearer and when I look around the colors are stronger, there is more shine and of course clarity.
It is because these exercises are forcing us to do consciously