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Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Eye Structure and Functions

Before going to do eye exercises it is good idea to try to understand the parts of the eye and the way they function together to create vision.

This is the basic picture of the eye with its parts.

You can start your vision improvement now

That’s true. Whether you have good vision and want to improve it or you are wearing glasses, you can start helping correcting and improving your seeing now.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Natural Vision Improvement

Did you know that you do not have to wear glasses if you have poor vision?
Just a couple of years ago I didn’t as well and was wearing glasses and contact lenses for 33 years. But after I found out about Natural Vision Improvement I said NO to glasses and started the efforts to improve my eyesight naturally.

What did I achieve, you would ask. Well, after a year I did an eye test for driving at my driving authorities and I passed. They removed my condition for aided vision from driving license and I am not required by law to wear glasses meaning I have good enough vision for driving.

Why did nobody tell me before?
Well, I have heard on a few occasions before throughout my life about natural vision improvement (I like to use the NVI abbreviation for this term), but have totally ignored it. You know how the world mostly is, the knowledge about any natural healing is limited, it is being ignored and mostly respected are highly educated professionals, among them optometrists, and I would rather be shoulder to shoulder with them and follow what they recommend and all is scientifically rpoved. But, also nowhere near me was there anyone with knowledge or experience in NVI, so it’s normal I had been “happily ” wearing my glasses and feeling very cool about it.